Free Mind City

If you are living in an urban environment pervaded by drugs, prostitution, and rampant crime, it can be difficult to raise children who have not been negatively impacted by their surroundings. But the neighborhood should not make the person. It is possible to teach your children to rise above the influence of drugs and poor decision-making, even when surrounded by poor role models. Illicit influences and corrupt elements in your neighborhood do not have to determine the level of success your children can experience as adults. Author Wali A. Furqan, founder and president of the nonprofit organization P.A.T.O.Y. (Paying Attention to Our Youth) is the father of seven children who overcame the potentially harmful effects of the urban environment and each became successful. In A Free Mind in the City, Furqan tells the story of his family and of how he raised his children in an environment that has a tendency to destroy the best of its denizens. In this guide, Furqan shares the wisdom he used with his children to help parents take responsibility for their family’s success and teach their children fundamental morals and ideals that they otherwise might never learn. With focus on your family and the grace of God, success is inevitable.

Black & White

Filled with religious quotes, lists, and personal stories, Damaged Goods in Black and White examines the underlying racial tensions that exist between black and white males in particular and men of color in general. It offers a discussion on racial imagery that should be addressed in alleviating that tension. Drawing on his experiences as a father, a chaplain, and as founder of a nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting parental responsibility, author Hajji Wali Furqan highlights thirteen ways that parents and society destroy children, particularly African American boys, and he offers thirteen ways those children can be saved. He defines the many shortcomings in today’s culture, but he also discusses steps that can be taken to improve these attitudes and deficiencies. Offering wise, practical, and heartfelt advice through a plethora of spiritual references, Damaged Goods in Black and White contains valuable information to help parents raise strong young men.

About Wali Furqan

Hajji Wali Furqan is the imam at the Pioneers Culture Center, St. Louis, Missouri, and the founder and president of Paying Attention to Our Youth, a nonprofit that promotes parental responsibility and guidance for children by their parents. Wali is a graduate of Truman State University holding a BS in business. Furqan and his wife have seven children and three grandchildren.



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